Monday, December 24, 2007
Healthy Habits for a Healthy New Year
Are you looking to improve your life? Get healthier? Feel better? Here are ten great healthy habits to adopt this year for a happier, healthier, and potentially longer life.
1. Reduce stress. Stress affects our health in a very negative way. It affects our immune system. It affects our ability to sleep and to digest our food properly. If you’re looking for one thing you can do better for yourself and your health this year, it would be to find methods of reducing stress.
2. Drink more water. Not just because water is good for you but because when you drink more water you stop drinking soda or other sugary drinks. Diet soda isn’t much better because it’s full of artificial sweeteners and chemicals. Find out what is missing in your water
Discover how to enhance your water
3. Walk/exercise. Adding exercise to your day adds years to your life. You don’t have to run a marathon or become iron man triathletes, walking for 30 minutes a day is an excellent start. Plus, you’ll just feel better.
4. Get your vitamins. A well balanced diet is excellent; however a multi vitamin is an excellent tool for a little extra insurance. Plus, it’s an easy thing to add to your daily routine.
5. Eat more fruits and veggies. It goes without saying that eating your fruits and veggies is good for your health. Add one extra serving of fruits and veggies to your day and begin living a healthier life.
6. Eat less saturated fat. Instead of ordering a burger or a steak at dinner, consider chicken or fish.
7. Eat less sugar. Sugar causes a rapid rise in blood sugar and a general feeling of well being. It also causes a rapid drop in blood sugar and a feeling of no energy. Then you eat more sugar and the cycle repeats itself. This roller coaster of sugar highs and lows wreaks havoc on your body. The solution, eat less sugar and if you do choose to have a sugary snack, eat it with a protein so your body’s metabolism remains more stable.
8. Fish oil. Fish oil and omega 3 fatty acids reduce inflammation in our bodies. It may help reduce cholesterol and may help protect your brain against degenerative diseases.
9. Go to the doctor. Are there regular tests you should be taking to test for hereditary illnesses or preventative measures that are appropriate to your age? Cancer screenings are the most common. Take the steps necessary to see your doctor this year.
10. Smile. Smiling reduces stress and puts you in a positive frame of mind. It's scientifically proven that stress has a direct effect on how healthy a person is. Smile, you'll be glad you did.
Monday, November 12, 2007
Tips for Avoiding the Flu This Winter
Flu vaccines are made available every year but they carry some pretty heavy risks. With the shortages and batches of bad vaccine that have surfaced in the past few years, it can be hard to get one even if you want to. There are ways that you can lessen your chances of getting the flu without getting a flu shot.
Keeping Your Immune System Up to Par
Your best defense against the flu is a healthy immune system. Keeping your immune system in good shape will help you fight off all diseases more effectively, including the flu. There are a few things you can do to make sure your immune system is in good shape.
* Eat a healthy, balanced diet. You need to make sure you are getting plenty of vitamins and minerals from food sources. Getting them in your diet is more effective than getting them through supplements. Fruits and vegetables provide excellent nutritional value and many of them are high in antioxidants.
* Get plenty of rest. Not getting enough rest causes you to feel tired which in turn also makes your immune system tired. It will fight off threats much more efficiently if you get the recommended 8 hours of sleep each and every night.
* Exercise. Working out will improve your overall health and get your blood pumping, circulating your disease-fighting cells. That means that they can find and attack flu germs and other germs more quickly, increasing the chance that they can fight them off before they take hold. Those who exercise also have a tendency to sleep better naturally.
Fighting Germs
A healthy immune system will fight off germs. Keeping the germs away in the first place is also a good idea. Here are some ways to do that.
* Wash your hands frequently. It's always a good idea to wash your hands before eating, after going to the bathroom and when cooking. During flu season you'll need to wash them more often. Using an antibacterial soap is not necessary. Just washing in warm water with plenty of soap for at least 15 seconds will get rid of most germs.
* Keep surfaces clean. This is especially important when there are kids around. Cleaning toys, tables and other surfaces with soap and water will keep germs at bay.
* Stay away from those who are sick if possible. At least try to avoid close contact with them and wash your hands as often as possible.
The flu vaccine is not the only option for avoiding the flu. By keeping your immune system healthy and avoiding exposure to those who have the flu, you can reduce your risk without exposing yourself to more risks.
Tuesday, September 18, 2007
Craft ideas for younger kids
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Kids of all ages love to craft. If you have younger kids, here are some really fun craft ideas to try with them:
All kids love the messy feeling of finger painting. Put an old shirt or paper apron on your kid before giving them the paints. For an even less-messy clean-up, take your kids outside and sit them under a tree in the cool shade to paint.
Another favorite of kids is play dough and clay. Lay newspaper on the floor and give your kids small tubs of their favorite-colored play dough. Encourage them to create sculptures with their fun dough.
Sock puppets are easy to make. Just glue on a pair of wiggle eyes and make a nose and mouth from felt. Then add a sprout of hair, made with colorful yarn. Make several of these sock puppets out of different sizes of socks and let your kids put on a sock puppet show for you.
Buy a couple of packs of colorful pipe cleaners and let your kids create art with them. You will be amazed at what they can make from something this simple!
Give your kids a sheet of construction paper and a mound of dry macaroni noodles (any fun-shaped dry noodle will work for this craft). Let them draw a picture on their paper with a pencil or crayon first. Then glue around the outline of their picture with white school glue. Let them place their noodles on top of the glue to create a fun noodle art picture.
Monday, September 17, 2007
Baby Teething Remedies
Teething normally occurs in babies between the ages of six and nine months. Some common symptoms of teething include cranky moods, swollen gums, drooling, fever, and excessive biting on objects.
You should expect your baby to be fussy, as her gums are in an extremely tender state during the teething process. She might even refuse to eat or take her bottle if she is uncomfortable or in pain.
Here are some common baby teething remedies that will help ease your baby’s discomfort:
* Rub his gums with your finger. Remember to wash your hands before doing so.
* Soak one end of a clean bath cloth in water. Place the wet cloth in a refrigerator. Once chilled, let your baby bite or suck on the cold cloth.
* Chill a teething ring or teething toy in the refrigerator for a couple of hours. Let your baby chew on the cold toy.
* Offer your baby a frozen banana (with adult supervision). Be sure to freeze the banana thoroughly before giving it to your baby. Cut the banana in half to make it easier for your baby to hold.
* Use an OTC (over the counter) teething gel. These gels are specially formulated to be safe for your baby. Read and follow the instructions on the package carefully before applying the gel to your baby’s gums.
* Administer Tylenol or Motrin, for pain and fever as recommended by your pediatrician. If your baby has trouble sleeping at night, consider giving them a dose of pain medication just before bedtime. If you’re unsure of what pain medications to give your baby, make sure to check with your pediatrician first.
Sunday, September 16, 2007
Anti-Aging Basics
Our bodies are over ninety percent water. Our tissues can’t get enough of it. Water gives our inner body a good shower every day. Water also cleans out the toxins in our systems and gives our skin that healthy glow that even the best lotions can not. Women should drink anywhere from eight to eleven glasses of water a day for proper body function.
Wear your sunglasses. When you first enter the light, the tendency is to squint. Over time, squinting leads to those lovely wrinkles beside your eyes called crow’s feet. To keep that pesky black bird from walking all over your face, wear wraparound sunglasses. Most people don’t realize that sun can be seen peripherally unless there is something there to block the light. They don’t have to cost over a hundred bucks either. If you find a drugstore pair, they will do the job just as well. Pop them on each time you leave the house to avoid direct sunlight and glare.
Nothing reduces the skin to the consistency of an old leather shoe faster than the sun. A good tan can be achieved without resorting to the sun or the tanning bed. Jergens makes a line of Natural Glow products for the face and body. Depending on your starting skin tone, the formula is designed to gradually darken the skin’s tone by at least two shades. A healthy sun-kissed glow can be maintained all over without the harmful effects of ultraviolet radiation.
Less makeup is actually more. Having too much makeup will help to outline and define those wrinkles instead of hiding them. Try a concealer pen instead of a liquid foundation which will slip into those facial lines as the day wears on. Lightly line your lips and use a softer color. Bright reds heavily applied will bleed into the lines around your lips. At any age, those that wear makeup should not look like they do.
We each can do something at every age to keep from looking our age. Taking care of your body is a key to a longer and more satisfying life. Get started today.
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Saturday, September 15, 2007
Becoming a Grandparent
Empty nesters go through a dilemma when their children suddenly are gone. Even if the transition has taken many years to complete, suddenly they are alone. It's time to redefine their life and who they are now. Maybe take up new hobbies they never had time for; reconnect with old friends or even make that big decision to move to a smaller house.
Whatever they are doing and however they are resolving the internal issues, it always comes back to family. Your mind is free to wonder and suddenly you are back in your child's soccer years; or those hours spent at the ballet studio; or the hours you spent chauffeuring them to all the different activities, or the times you couldn't
make specific events because you had to work..
Then the questions start popping up; did you do enough; were you too busy; did they know how much you loved them back then? And then suddenly, after all the self doubting, living through memories you did not want to relive, you find you are going to become grandparent! Ah...this is why you have had all the memories. It's time to pass them on to the next generation.
Now is the perfect time to tell your stories to your new grandchild. Search on the Internet, cruise your local book store and invest in a journal that best suits your needs. You'll find hardbound, quilted, paperback and even software applications you can use on your computer. Some are made especially for recording grandparent memories.
Now all you have to worry about is how much you can fit into the journal before you decide it's too much. Why not make the decision to create a keepsake journal for each grandchild that arrives so they each have their own grandparent journal? This way, they'll all know how special they are and how giving you are to have shared your thoughts, feelings and your life stories with them.
Saturday, August 04, 2007
Anti Aging Tips for Women
Stay on your diet. You may be on a diet to lose weight, but it has other benefits too. While carrying around extra pounds causes extra wear and tear on your system, a healthy diet also makes all your systems work right. If your organs are properly nourished, they’ll operate more efficiently and won’t get worn out as fast. It’s also a good idea to take a daily multivitamin. You might find other supplements beneficial; just be sure you’re getting enough of the right nutrients and not too much of the wrong ones.
Don’t forget your skin. An important part of feeling young is keeping your organs healthy. Well, your skin is the largest organ of your body. Having healthy skin can make you look younger, which in turn can make you feel younger. In addition to using anti-aging skin care products, be sure to eat a diet that helps improve skin quality. Good choices are fresh fruits and vegetables and foods rich in protein. Keep your skin (and the rest of your body) hydrated by drinking plenty of water.
Get Exercise. Everyone’s heard the old adage “if you don’t use it you lose it”. Well, you’ve probably heard it so much because it’s true. Regular exercise keeps your body working properly. It can also strengthen your heart and help you lose excess pounds that are weighing you down. And remember, exercising your mind is just as important for staying young as exercising your body.
Feel good about getting old. It may seem silly, but people who have a positive view about getting older tend to live longer. Instead of worrying about how hard it will be to get around or do normal things, concentrate on the fun of retirement or other benefits to getting older.
Sure, there’s no fountain of youth, but taking small steps to stay healthy and keep yourself going will go a long way in helping you feel younger and live longer.
Tuesday, May 22, 2007
Home is the ideal workplace
If a person runs a business from home ,there will be no transportation or wardrobe expenses, to name a few savings. Working from home can be less stressful, because it is an atmosphere which is free from all of the problems mentioned above.