Sunday, September 13, 2009

Sarah Palin on The Hour a Canadian Media Program

The Hour is a Canadian TV show with George Stroumboulopoulos. New Year's Special was fantastic and featured guest, former vice presidential candidate and possibly future presidential candidate, Sarah Palin.

He shows a summary of the life of Sara Palin up to the her selection by Senator McCain as his running mate as VP. Then George interviews her with questions of the previous year "2008"

George - As we get to the end of 2008 look back at your year?

Gov Palin _ Pretty amazing year, pretty amazing year, yeah, amazing enough for a number of personal things that have happened to me, having a baby. My son going off to war in Iraq, my oldest son, yeah just a lot of personal things have happened and throw in there also the run for Vice President of America. Yeah that thing too. It's been a great year.

George - It's been highs and lows I can imagine though?

Gov Palin - Yeah, a bit of a roller coaster there, but over all it's been a blessed year.

The Hour

Facts About Sarah Palin -

Saturday, September 12, 2009

2009 Special Olympics and Sarah Palin

"[Obama] thinks that the Special Olympics are a wonderful program that gives an opportunity to shine to people with disabilities from around the world," Deputy Press Secretary Bill Burton told reporters, adding that Obama only meant the comment to be a be a funny quip about his poor bowling skills, according to The Associated Press.

Governor Sarah Palin stated "I did not know what to expect when I learned that our child would be born with Down's Syndrome, it was a kaleidoscope of emotions, one minute, so elated, the next one pretty apprehensive, confident one moment, then uncertain and I was excited and I was scared. But when Trig finally entered the world all of those conflicting emotions came into sharp focus, and we knew that everything was going to be okay. When I first held Trig, it was like an hour glass turned upside down, my heart filled up with love as my mind emptied itself of all the different worries, fears and concerns that I had when I carried him. Everyone wants their child to be perfect and with Trig that's exactly what we got."

"Everyone worries about what the future will hold for their new born child. With Trig we have hopes and concerns and dreams just as we do for all of our children.

Greta Interviews Sarah Palin

Greta interviews Sarah Palin on different topics. This took place five weeks after Governor Palin was selected by Senator Mc Cain as his running mate as Vice President. She talks about the many things we can do to become energy independent as a nation. She agrees about drilling at Amwar. She says that as Americans we have gotten very lax in conserving energy. She says that her energy program is differnt from the Democrats in that we need to stop depending on foreign oil.

In the words of Sarah Palin during the vice presidential debate: "When we talk about energy, we have to consider the need to do all that we can to allow this nation to become energy-independent. It's a nonsensical position that we are in when we have domestic supplies of energy all over this great land. And East Coast politicians who don't allow energy-producing states like Alaska to produce these, to tap into them, and instead we're relying on foreign countries to produce for us.". Listen to her with her as Greta interviews

Bristol Palin and Teenage Pregnancy

Teenage Pregnancy is Still a Call For Attention!

By Alice March

Bristol Palin went on television recently in a bold move. She called a press conference without her mother's knowledge. The interviewer asked her probing questions and Bristol gave honest, thoughtful answers. She admitted that abstinence among teen-agers is not working and is a naïve position to take, as teens are definitely interested in sex. She shared that she's glad to be a new mother for all the joys motherhood brings but she'd rather have entered motherhood ten years later, when she had a career, a home and a marriage. She also admitted that she now realizes that she cannot just be concerned about herself, as she's responsible for another human being. In essence, she has really cut short her adolecence, a time of making choices and learning by taking risks and developing personal skills, boundaries and strengths.

Research has shown that teen-age pregnancy is fraught with emotional roots and stresses. Teens need and want someone to love them, to care about them, to give them attention. They think that their babies will give that to them. Then there are always the group that believes they'll get money to support themselves and their children. Then there are those who have children to make up for all the connections and attention they didn't get in their own childhoods. We certainly have a current example of that with the woman who just had eight babies after IVF treatments. She's a single mother also.

During the interview, I watched Bristol and saw what I thought was probably a common enough occurrence in the Palin family. When grandmother Sarah entered the set with Bristol's baby, all the attention went to Sarah; I watched Bristol as she witnessed this. She actually looked pained and excluded by her mothers presence. Sarah energetically took up all the "air" in the room, immediately got the interviewer's attention and kept it.

I am just witnessing and speculating. Bristol is the first born and probably did not get enough of the attention she needed in her childhood. She got more than her mother's attention with her pregnancy- she got the whole worlds by accident, by design?

Clearly I believe what I've been saying for years. The kind of attention we get in our childhoods lives with us forever; in fact, the kind of attention that our parents get in their childhood lives with us forever. I am seeing this more and more all around me. Sarah Palin, former Miss Wasilla, Beauty Queen, obviously needs lots of attention and gets it. This need is problematic for her eldest daughter, Bristol. However, Bristol now appears to be growing into her own brand of motherhood/adulthood. She wants to work on the issue of teen-age pregnancy. By calling her own press conference to state her newly acquired wisdom, which differs from her families', Bristol is certainly showing up as her own person.

That's what growth is all about: using our life experiences to gain knowledge and go on to share the lessons.

Alice Aspen March, Expert on Impact of Attention, TheAttentionFactor(R).
Speaker, Published Author, Workshop Leader, Exec. Dir. of Non-Profit, FACT: impact of TV on Children and Families; kept Fred Rogers Neighborhood on the air as Chair of KCET Community Advisory Board, Co-Produced Emmy-nominated, Latch-Key Kids, narrated by Christopher Reeve; appointed by Calif. State Senate to two State Commissions.

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Sarah Palin Getting Attacked on Abstinence

Abstinence on Trial in the Media

By A Bonilla

With the Levi Johnston interview on Tyra Banks' show, the issue of-abstinence-is once again on trial. The prevailing verdict is that it doesn't work. The high profile youthful pregnancies of people like Jaime Lynn Spears, Brittany's sister and Bristol Palin, Sarah Palin's daughter would appear to prove the ineffectiveness of the-abstinence-message. The young women who became pregnant were portrayed as wholesome young ladies from families that supported the-abstinence-until marriage message. Yet in spite of the strong culture of responsible sexuality these young women and many like them are becoming pregnant in their teens, and are single mothers.

The assumption is that these young women were not protected by the education that is provided through comprehensive sexual education. That education, when provided by competent educators would teach a young person about the dangers of sexual activity without the use of protection. It would allow them to make informed decision about their choice of birth control, and would empower them so that they are not hampered by an unwanted pregnancy or sexually transmitted diseases. Because their families were such strong supporters of the abstinence until marriage message, it is further assumed that the young women may have engaged in sex without protection because of shame, or naiveté.

These assumptions are challenged however by several factors. Just the general knowledge that is easily assessable to teens and young women today makes it highly unlikely, unless they are raised in a commune cut off from the world at large, that they are unaware of the purpose and use of birth control. Secondly, these young women and their partners were not under constant guard (secret service, paparazzi); they were able to purchase condoms and other forms of birth control if they were so inclined. There may be some truth to the belief that knowledge that these young women were engaging in sexual activity would not be greeted with acceptance in their families, however, there are no grounds to believe that their families would have responded by disowning or in anyway harshly disciplining them. To our knowledge neither of these families followed Sharia law, so these young women had no basis to expect anything more than parental disappointment, and perhaps initial anger. In addition to all the above, there is always the expectation that there may have been some education provided in an academic setting. After all they still have the health curriculum that tells students how children are born and the dangers of contracting sexually transmitted diseases?

The snippet of the Tyra Banks show that I was able to see showed Tyra asking the probing question about the use of birth control. Levi answered the way most knowledgeable people answer. He started off stating that he and Bristol used birth control and were consistent about it. Tyra, skeptical, challenged his reply and asked about the use of birth control again. It was only after a third attempt on her part to break his story that he revealed that it was most of the time as opposed to all the time, in other words they were not consistent. What does that mean; it means that we cannot blame the condom for this pregnancy. But it also means that we cannot blame the abstinence message either. Abstinence didn't fail this couple, and probably didn't fail Jaime Lynn either. They had been given the information about abstinence until marriage, and they had also received information about the use of birth control. They made a choice to forgo the abstinence message in favor of the one that says don't engage in unprotected sex. They however were not able to keep up with the adult responsibility of remaining consistent about the use of contraceptives. Even adults have difficulty being consistent with important things; the only difference is that most are in a position to handle the subsequent consequences of these adult choices. Unmarried teenagers generally are not.

The abstinence message is not about taking away a young person's choices, nor is it about restricting their life and potential happiness. Quite the opposite! It's about protecting their future by keeping open all their options. A pregnant teen's options are significantly narrowed. And sexual activity outside of marriage, while providing short term gratification, invites long term consequences that few teens are prepared for. A seventeen year old who becomes a parent and chooses to parent their child is looking at minimally 18 years of putting her child first. That is if she plans to parent in a healthy way. That brings her to thirty five, and only if that first child is not followed by several others. Though thirty five cannot be considered old by any measure, achieving that age while parenting means that the persons' twenties are not about finding themselves but about caring and meeting the needs of their child(ren). The abstinence message recognizes that a young person's health, dreams, and future are important and it offers the only 100% guaranteed means of providing protection against an unwanted pregnancy and STD. No other program of education can make that claim. One thing is certain however, neither program is effective if not followed consistently as Levi and many others in his position have found out.

Allison Bonilla MSW, LCSW
Awareness Counseling Center
2425 S. Volusia Ave. Ste. B-4
Orange City Fl. 32763
(386) 774-1330

Allison Bonilla has been in private practice for 10 years in Orange City, Florida. She has been in the field of Social Work for over 20 years. Her experience includes working with children and families in crisis situations, through governmental agencies. She has been a presenter at various professional conferences. She also volunteers with her local church. Her Masters in Social Work was obtained at Adelphi University in New York. She is a Licensed Master of Social Work in New York State, and is a Licensed Clinical Social Worker in Florida.

She is a professional Christian Counselor who successfully integrates a biblical world view with psychological theories in an attempt to assist her clients achieve optimal health. Her approach is holistic, with a strong slant towards Cognitive Behavioral theories. Allison Bonilla is a member of the North American Association of Christians in Social Work, and National Association of Social Workers.

Article Source:

Sunday, September 06, 2009

Sarah Palin is a Winner

Sarah Palin is a Winner and That is Her Allure

By Lance Winslow

The United States public is completely fascinated with Sarah "Barracuda" Palin, Governor of Alaska and now Vice Presidential Candidate. From the moment she hit the National Stage she was an instant success, nothing she was not familiar with in her neck of the woods. Nevertheless the American People had not known her at a national level. Her stardom has been completely incredible and yet some do not see the allure.

Well, if you are one of these unfortunate folks that does not see the reason people like her so much and are so interested in what she has to say and what she has to offer out nation, then let me break it down for you. Sarah Palin-is-a-winner, she is all that America is about, and she stands tall in her convictions and will not take any garbage from anyone, nor should she.

America needs more great leaders like Sarah Palin, and yes, there are a lot-of-winners in this great country of ours, yet so few willing to run for public office and stick their necks out like her and take a risk. If anyone thinks she has not proved herself yet, they will soon enough and she is definitely someone to watch in American Politics. Few have captured the passion of American tradition like Sarah Palin.

Americans-are-winners, we are a nation of winners. Great people from all over the world have come here to build our country and make it what it is today. Sarah Palin represents all that and more and that is her allure. Think on that.

Lance Winslow - Lance Winslow's Bio. If you have innovative thoughts and unique perspectives, come think with Lance;

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Todd Palin

Todd Palin the husband of Governor Sarah Palin is known as the first Dude

As for Todd's maternal side, his mother was born in Yolo County, California under the name of Marguerite Blanche Roberts. Kallstrom is her current husband's surname. Her parents are Bill Roberts and Helena Bartman. Bill Roberts her father died when Blanche was about four years old.

His grandmother, Helena is half-Yup'ik. Her mother was Amalia, a full blooded Yup'ik from Bristol Bay. Her father was William Hugo Bartman who was from the Netherlands. Helena wrote her life history in a book called We Alaskans by Sharon Bushell, published 2002. I would recommend reading that to learn more about her roots.

Todd worked for BP Oil in the North Slope oil fields of Alaska. He is also a commercial salmon fisherman at Bristol Bay on the Nushugak River. He is a four-time winner of the Tesoro Iron Dog Championship (snowmobile event).

This contest is the world’s longest snowmobile race, which parallels the path of the Iditarod race with an extra journey of several hundred miles to Fairbanks added.

Discover additonal information about Todd Palin Todd Palin