Sunday, September 13, 2009

Sarah Palin on The Hour a Canadian Media Program

The Hour is a Canadian TV show with George Stroumboulopoulos. New Year's Special was fantastic and featured guest, former vice presidential candidate and possibly future presidential candidate, Sarah Palin.

He shows a summary of the life of Sara Palin up to the her selection by Senator McCain as his running mate as VP. Then George interviews her with questions of the previous year "2008"

George - As we get to the end of 2008 look back at your year?

Gov Palin _ Pretty amazing year, pretty amazing year, yeah, amazing enough for a number of personal things that have happened to me, having a baby. My son going off to war in Iraq, my oldest son, yeah just a lot of personal things have happened and throw in there also the run for Vice President of America. Yeah that thing too. It's been a great year.

George - It's been highs and lows I can imagine though?

Gov Palin - Yeah, a bit of a roller coaster there, but over all it's been a blessed year.

The Hour

Facts About Sarah Palin -

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